Monday, October 3, 2011


The 10 reasons I LOVE Fall

10. School has started, so has the busy schedule

9. trade in flip flops and tank tops for hoodies and fuzzy socks:)

8. Stormy days

7. Cuddling up on the couch with blanket and a good book and reading the whole day away and not feeling bad about it!

6. The smell of pumpkin candles

5. The changing of the leaves

4. The excitement of the holidays being near

3. Wanting to bake again.

2. SOCCER!! And the joy it brings my kids

and the number 1 reason I LOVE Fall..

Adam is home, his schedule has slowed down and we get to spend lots of days together, just the 2 of us while the boys are in school!!

1 comment:

Clarissa said...

I KNEW that would be your number one reason!!! You're so dang cute. Love you missy!