Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My favorite time of year is here again!!! Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and I am SO EXCITED!!! There is nothing better than spending the day with family:)
So tonight as I'm patiently waiting for tomorrow I am thinking of all the things I am thankful is my list....because I can, you don't have to read it.
1. Adam....he is my better half, he has taken AMAZING care of me for 13 years, he is the BEST dad, he makes me laugh, he can tick me off like no one else, he tells me I'm beautiful everyday, he knows me inside and out and loves me anyway, he knows when I need a break and encourages me to take them(HAWAII!!!), when I'm sick he takes care of EVERYTHING, he is teaching our boys to be good men, he is always willing to help my family and my friends, he fills up my car with gas so I don't have to, he goes and gets me a Dr. Pepper with crunch ice whenever I want one, he likes to go to lunch with me and my sister, he makes the bed with hospital corners that don't come untucked in the night. These are just a few of the many reasons why I am Thankful for him!!
2. Addison, Ethan, Kyler......I have the best boys a mom could ask for!! They are my world and I am so thankful I get to be their mom!! They are sweet, loving, rowdy, smart, picky, argumentative, CUTE, CRAZY, up for anything, all BOY, and ALL MINE:)
3. Our is not always clean, it is sometimes a little crazy, but its home and its warm and filled with love. I couldn't ask for anything more!
4. Family.....We have a huge family and I am thankful for every last one of them!
5. Friends....I have the most amazing friends!!
6. Great schools....My kids go to great schools and so far have had amazing teachers. Because of this they all LOVE school and love to learn!!
7. Adams job....altho it takes him away from us A LOT it puts food on our table, clothes on our back, and a roof over our head:)
8. good books, good tv, good movies, good food, good laughs, having enough, good health, lazy days, busy days, long days, and everything in between. I guess today I am just Thankful for my life. As crazy and boring as it is, it is mine and I wouldn't change a thing about it....well except for this snow and ice:)
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!

1 comment:

Rene said...

Oh, we have so much to be thankful for! That was fun to read! Yesterday was so much fun, wasn't it? I loved playing lots of games with everyone. (well, except for the "stick in the muds" in the family room! ~ Who marries guys like that?!)