Thursday, September 16, 2010



Rain is so depressing to me. I guess I have a pretty good reason to feel like that......Rain means Adam cant work, which means no money comes in, which means I STRESS. I cant help it, no matter how I try and fight it, I STRESS! Once the clouds roll in and the forecast calls for rain my stress level goes through the roof. Nothing earth shattering has ever happened, we always figure it out. We have never been homeless...our basic needs are always taken care of. WE are pretty dang good at getting by on next to nothing. SO my question is WHY??? Why do I let a little rain bring me so much stress? Adam has ALWAYS taken amazing care of our family......I am a SPOILED beyond belief wife. Adam makes sure we always have what we need to live....and then some:) But as I said, the clouds roll in and bring the stress right along with them. On the bright side this year he is back to running the asphalt plant which means he will have maintenence to do when paving halts because of example, he is working today while the paving crew is on hold due to the rain. SO you say Why the stress?? Its just me people.....I cant stop it, I try and change it, I don't want to be a constant stress case, but I am. Every year I make a huge effort to not be this way, and every year it gets worse. Iv tried to convince Adam in the past to move us to Arizona.....but he wont. Thank goodness because there is no place I would rather be than right here. My family is close, and my friends are AMAZING!! I just wish the rain would GO AWAY!!!


Clarissa said...

It does put a 'damper' on things, doesn't it. Ummm...and Arizona should not be an option. You can never move away from here, do you understand that??!!!

Woodland Family said...

Hey Cheree I just thought I'd let you know that all week I've watched soccer games and football games in 85-90 degree weather. beautiful blue skies and today there were 26 hot air balloons in the sky as we headed to church. Any chance Elko could be an option?
Love YA!!!

Shelly's Space said...

Hopefully you are feeling better. Sometimes we just need to get things off our makes us feel better.