Just sittin' here
Today is the boys last full day of school.....the last day for the next 2 months I will have completely to myself! I do LOVE the lazy days of SUMMER, but I have also very much enjoyed my days of doing exactly what I want, exactly when I want to do it!! That may sound completely selfish but it is very true!! Adam has been working nights (well trying to anyway...the weather has stopped them quite a bit) for the last 2 weeks which has given us a few day dates that were so much fun!! After today those are over too:( which is kinda sad to me because I wont see him much in the next 2 months so I was really enjoying our alone time, without the boys taking all his attention!! I am very blessed to have a husband like him who ADORES our kids and spends every moment he can with them....I have to admit it makes me green with envy sometimes!! But anyway......So in doing my stuff on my time today, I got to have lunch with my friend Brook and her cutie patootie Molly, Brook shares my love of Casa Ramos so we meet there every so often for lunch:) Then when I got home I decided to do some blog hopping and when I was reading my friends blog I noticed for the first time some quotes she has on her side bar....not sure if they are new or if I just never noticed them before but I just had to borrow them because they totally hit home for me!! Thanks Clarissa!!
"There is no such thing as the perfect mother...We just do the best we can with the help of the Lord, and who knows, these children...may someday rise up and call us blessed. "~Marjorie Pay Hinckley"
As you create a home, don't get distracted with a lot of things that have no meaning to you or your family. Don't dwell on your failures, but think about your successes. Have joy in your home. Have joy in your children. Have joy in your husband. Be grateful for the journey."~Marjorie Pay Hinckley
Pretty cool HUH?? So for the next 2 months while I enjoy my summer, which I'm sure will be FANTASTIC, I'm going to try and remember the words in those 2 quotes when things get a little hectic, which they always do when I am basically a single mom of 3 all summer long!!:)
I will try to remember those things too when I am ready to or already pulling my hair out! Just think, the end of the summer we will have a GREAT reward! Love ya!
I have had those quotes up there for a while...but I forget I have them. Thank you for bringing to my atention again. I needed to hear/read them again. Great quotes from some amazing people!!
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