Ok, I know I have been a HORRIBLE blogger lately!! There are so many reasons why....and I don't know about any of you but I really don't like poor me stories, so since I have been in a complete FUNK since Id say about the first of December, I felt it best just to stay away from blogging. Slowly but surely things are starting to look up and I'm feeling like more of myself so I thought since I am stuck at home today without a car I would let the laundry and vacuuming wait...again... and catch up:)
Christmas this year was SO, I don't even know how to describe it...except for weird. I was already in the midst of my major funk which didn't help. But things definitely went down hill!! We always have Christmas Eve with my family at my parents house, my mom had been really sick the days leading up to it and we were really starting to worry about her. Wondering if we should cancel our plans or what we should do.. My mom NEVER gets sick, so the fact that we were even thinking about all this was just crazy!! Christmas Eve morning my dad called to tell me that they had admitted my mom to the hospital the night before. WHAT?!?!?! All I could think was this just cant be happening!! But it was....so Rene and I (against mom and dads orders) hurried down to visit. What an emotional day!!! For YEARS I have been a live in the moment kind of girl....If I don't think about the future then I stress less and life is just all around happier for me. Well that whole way of thinking came crashing down on me that day!! I could go on and on about that day and how it affected me but I wont (it could take all day!!) I am so happy to say my mom is FINE now and back to her old self:)
We tried to enjoy Christmas day and all things considered we did pretty well. I always worry about making my kids happy and weather I got them enough and so on and so on....but this year was different. I did less than I ever have for them and they were HAPPY....really Happy. Made me realize all my stressing in years past was all ME!! And that I have really great kids...but I already knew that, its just nice to get a reminder every so often:)
We spent the day after Christmas with Adams family up in Kent....What a great time we had!! Mom was being released from the hospital so I truly relaxed and enjoyed myself. We ate and played games, and visited and I snuggled my baby niece for hours....to me there is no better way to lift your mood than to snuggle on a baby you love so much:) We were all there and the kids just played and played. I am so grateful for how well they all get along!! It is so fun to see them together!!
Great Wolf Lodge
Adams parents got us a night at the lodge for Christmas and we had an absolutely FABULOUS time!!! We love water parks so I knew we would love it. Poor Addison came down with strep the night before we were supposed to go, but he was a trooper and after a couple doses of meds he was ready to go:) It was great to have those 2 days to be together and just have FUN.
The rest of life since last post:)
Not much has been going on....Adam has been off work for what seems like forever. But I'm happy to say that today he is down in Woodburn doing the last part of the hiring process for a new job!!!! As long as he has a personality he should be fine:) according to Rene anyway!! (he has to take some kind of personality test or something today) With a new job comes change, which I am not great with, but hopefully nothing to major will change, like having to move.....I would NOT be ok with that!!! The job is back to doing what he loves.....Asphalt. I see long lonely summers and little black spots on all my whites in my near future, but I will survive and hopefully our family will be better off!! And maybe just maybe this will be the last new job he will have to find for a LONG time:)
So life is still a never ending roller coaster, but I am pushing through!! I am so thankful for all the little (and some not so little) lessons I have learned over the last few months, and the life changes we have made in our family that have only made us happier and brought us closer together. This post is long enough so if you want to see pictures from this month go to my facebook page...they are all there and I cant figure out how to get them where I want them on here:)
I hope Adam likes his new job! and you're right Christmas was WEIRD!
I'm sorry you've had a roller coaster life for the last little while.....but as you said, things are looking up!! Your family is on a good path and you will have the strength you need to get through the hard times.... We love you....thanks for the post:)
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