This year for Thanksgiving we decided to load up and drive to Nevada to visit my sister Michelle and her family. I was a little worried about taking such a long drive but we had the BEST time!! My parents were so nice and let us borrow their van so we had plenty of room, in my car it would have been a horrible drive I am sure!! We left tuesday morning and drove to Boise. My kids played video games the WHOLE Time, stopping only to snack here and there and when we stopped to go to the bathroom......I didn't know it was possible to look at those little screens for so long with out going blind:) Normally I limit there game time, but they were so quiet and happy I just let them be. In Boise we stayed at the best hotel!! It was super cheap and had a great pool, adjustable beds, and my favorite part.....a seprate bedroom for the kids:) We took the kids swimming to burn off some energy, then the next morning we were at it again for the last 4 hours of the drive.
When we finally got there the kids were so EXCITED!!! I absolutely love that all our kids play so good together and really love being together!! We had so much fun catching up and playing games and just being together!! Adam and Mike did a bunch of guy stuff, Now Adam thinks he wants to move there....NOT HAPPENING!!! We had a great Thanksgiving, my brother and his wife came over and we just had a great day of food, games, and fun. Friday we decided we better head home. but before we did we took all the kids to the movie and played a few more games. Saying goodbye was hard because no one was ready for the visit to end!!
We had quite the eventful drive home!! 3 hours of the worst weather I have ever driven thorough!!!!!!!! From howling wind, to blizzard like snow, to horrible fog, to horses in the road. At one point I said I cant even see the road can you, and Adam said he couldn't see it either.....Talk about scary!!!! Anyway we made it home safely and had a great time!!! The kids are already talking about going back:)
Some day I may just figure out how to put the pictures where I want them!!!
I'm glad you guys had a good time! I'm really glad you're home, though!
Sounds like such a great time!! I'm glad you got home safely from that scary drive.....it sounded dangerous!!
AND....oh my gosh!! I clicked on the picture of you with Jessica????? and Mallory!! Jessica's wearing make-up!! She's so beautiful...and Mallory's hair is SO Golden!! You of course look more beautiful every time I see you:)
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