Well I have been trying to start blogging for a while now and every time I do I end up deleting it thinking who would want to read this, so today I am trying yet again. This time I am going to post it for sure....
My kids mean the world to me and I am constantly amazed by them. That being said sometimes I wonder if anything I try to teach them ever gets through!! Most days I feel like I am the "Polite Police". Today I got to see that my son really does listen ....sometimes. When I dropped Addison off at school this morning I watched as he walked up to the door, there were a couple girls a good distance behind him, he opened the door and held it for them!!! I have to say it made me sooooo Pround to watch my son be such a gentleman:). Today was his VIP lunch so I went and ate with him, it was so nice to sit and talk with him. He truly is an AWESOME kid. He wants to be the best at everything he does and tries hard to be, I wish I had half of his imagination and creativity!! And the fact that he wanted to have lunch with me today and actually talked to me instead of his friends ment the world to me:)
Ok I was not going to post about this but I just have to!! I havent laughed this hard in a very long time... I volunteer in all the boys classes and today was my day in Ethans. His teacher asked me to do some testing so I called the kids out in the hall one at a time and asked them each a few questions about what they have been learning. So 1 of the questions was to name a kind of Penguin. My neice Lindsay informed me that there is a macaroni penguin( who knew) And then there was the ever popular emporer penguin, Then my dear friend came out into the hall to test, when I asked him to name a type of penguin,without even hesitating he said jack ass penguin.....I just about died!! I said are you sure and he looked at me like I was a complete idiot and said well its also called a black footed penguin but jack ass too. after I contained myself(mind you he was still looking at me like I was a jack ass) I said between you and me if your teacher asks you to name a kind of penguin you should say black footed:) Gotta love first graders!!!
You have to actually update this now so that I can know all the fun things you're up to. haha. 'Cause I never get to visit with you and catch up!
Hey Cheree....I want to read your blog!! I ran across your link from Rene's blog. Keep it up.. I want to hear all about your family. Sounds like you have some pretty interesting stories to tell and of course I like hearing about the boys too:)
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